Mapping: Situation

Today in class we followed up with the question "How do geographers describe where things are?" Yesterday we learned about the first answer to this question, site. Today we learned the second answer, situation. Situation is a valuable way to indicate location for two reasons. First, situation helps us to find an unfamiliar place by comparing its location with a familiar one. Second, situation helps us to understand the importance of a location. After we learned what situation is we discussed what it actually looks like. For example we talked about where Bel Air is in relation to Baltimore. Then, we got into a discussion about where things are made. We talked about the difference in payment of workers in the US and workers in foreign countries. This is the reason why many things are not made in America because we would have to pay the workers more, which therefore would cause the consumers to have to pay more. Overall I thought todays discussion was very interesting and I am excited to learn more about this topic.


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