Test on Population and Migration

Today we had a test on population and migration. The first part of the test was going on the CIA World Factbook, and finding information about statistics and answering your questions. I am pretty sure I got all of those questions right, and I was able to finish that part before the time was up. The next part of the test was matching terms and their definitions. I think that I did pretty good on that part, but I may have mixed one of them up. The next part of the test was questions about Net Migration Rate, Rate of Natural Increase, etc. This part was not bad and I think that I most likely got the magority of them right. The last part of the test was about push and pull forces. I honestly thought that I did a good job on this part by giving clear examples, and I hope that you agree. Overall I thought that I did pretty well on this test, and I am pretty confident, so I hope that the grade is better than my last test.


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