Test Review: Maps-site & situation

Today in class we reviewed for our test that is on Monday. We looked at peoples test questions from their blogs and then took a pop quiz. We reviewed what parallels and meridians are. We also looked at the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn again. I do not think that I did very well on the pop quiz, but at least now I know that I need to study. I keep getting confused on the questions about longitude and latitude. I get them mixed up a lot. I also think I was overthinking the time and would stress myself out. Over the weekend I am going to look at the power point that we took notes on in class and also all of my notes. I also need to review site and situation before the test. Most importantly I am going to make sure I look at the maps as well so that I can actually see the lines on the map and hopefully it will help me remember. I am a little nervous considering how I did on the pop quiz but I think that studying a little every day until Monday will make me feel more prepared.


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