Population Assignment

Facts about Population and Migration:

  1. Syria has the highest migration rate in the whole world. I think that this is an important fact because that shows that Syria is having trouble and needs help from other countries. A fact like this is worth mentioning also because the problems within Syria could have affects on surrounding countries.
  2. Another interesting fact is that Monaco has the lowest birth rate. I find this interesting because not only does Monaco have the lowest birth rate it also has the lowest death rate. This is an interesting fact because it means that the population of Monaco must remain pretty stable.
  3. The population of China has more than 8,000,000 more people than India. I am not even surprised that China is the highest, but I am surprised that India is the next. I never knew that they were that close is in population.
  4. Another interesting fact is that a country can have a negative migration rate. This would mean that that country has more people leaving than entering that country. The country with the lowest migration rate is Lebanon.
  5. My last interesting fact is that the Unites States is made up of about 40% 25-54 year olds. This to me is interesting because I thought that the biggest age group would be a little older than that, more like the 60's. But, actually 55-64 year olds make up the lowest percent of the population of the United States.
Prediction on Population Pyramids:
  1. I predict based off the population pyramid that the population of the United States is going to grow slowly.
  2. I predict based off the population pyramid that the population of Afghanistan is going to grow.
  3. I predict based off the population pyramid that the population of Brazil is going to grow slowly.
  4. I predict based off the population pyramid that the population of Syria is going to grow.
  5. I predict based off the population pyramid that the population of Russia is declining.


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