Finishing Essay

Today I finished writing out my essay. Here is what I have:
Paragraph 1:
This essay I will be  explaining the two population pyramids, country A and country B. Both of these pyramids are a representation of a country at a certain stage in the demographic transition. The demographic transition is a process where a society has a change in population. This change goes from high birth and death rates and low increase to low birth and death rates and a high increase. There are 4 stages to this transition, low growth, high growth, moderate growth, and low growth. It is also speculated that there is a 5th stage that we do not know much about yet. A population pyramid is a good resource for learning about countries because it can show you which stage of the demographic transition the country is in.

Paragraph 2:
The first pyramid, country A would be an example of a country in the second stage of the demographic transition. I know this because the pyramid shows rapid increase  because the birth birth rate is high and the death rate is low. That means that this country would have a high population because there are more people being born than dying. Country A is an example of a developing country. This country might be an example of a Middle Eastern nation like Yemen or Afghanistan because those countries are developing. 

Paragraph 3:
The second pyramid country B would be an example of a country in stage four of the demographic transition. This is true because the pyramid shows a low growth with stable population which means that death rates stay the same while the birth rates decline. This country would be an example of a developed country because it has been industrialized which caused the birth rates to be slowed and the birth rates to go down. An example of a country in stage four would be the United States because that country has a low population growth and they both are industrialized.

Paragraph 4:
If country A stayed in stage 2 that country would continue to have rapid population growth and it would still be considered developing. That would be a good stage to be in the only reason it would be a problem is if it stayed in that stage for too long than the country could become overpopulated. A way to stop that problem from happening would be to increase the production of contraceptives. If country B stayed in stage 4 then there could be potentially too low of population growth and the country could become underpopulated. A way to stop that from happening would be to continue to advance health care so the older people could stay alive longer and also to find ways to encourage more adults to have children.

Paragraph 5:
Knowing the stage of the demographic transition that a country is  in you can learn what the countries population is like right now and also predict into the future and help solve possible problems that countries might face. For example in this case you can predict that country A might become overpopulated or country B could be underpopulated which can help that country be prepared to fix issues that may come in the future. This shows that population pyramids are a good resource for learning about countries because it shows you that countries stage of the demographic transition.


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