Videos on Demographic Transitions

Khan Academy:
  • Demographic transition states that the population will eventually stop growing
  • To find growth rate you count how many people have been added to the population and how many people have been removed from the population
  • High birth rates usually have to do with the fact of limited birth control
Kim Smith:
  • From the agricultural revolution to the industrial revolution the population of the world only grew by 67,000 people a year
  • Now our population grows that much every 67 hours
  • In the olden days a women's status was defined by how many children they had & children were defined as assets
Why Populations Grow:
  • Some countries have negative population growth
  • A way to measure population growth is the doubling time- the length of time it takes for population to double in size
  • Natural increase and net migration are the two main factors that influence population change

In my opinion the Khan Academy video was the most helpful because it described demographic transition the best and gave good examples which made the topic easier to understand. It also had a visual which helped me to actually see what it meant and the numerical aspect of the topic.


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