Page 34 Questions

Fertile Crescent: The Fertile Crescent is an arc of land that provided some of the best farming in Southwest Asia.
Mesopotamia:  Mesopotamia in Greek means "the land between rivers."
City-state: A city-state functions as an independent country with their own government and rulers.
Dynasty: A dynasty is a series of rulers from a single family.
Cultural diffusion: This is a process in which a new idea/product spreads from one culture to another.
Polytheism: This is the belief in more than one god.
Empire: An empire brings together several peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of one ruler.
Hammurabi: He was a ruler of the Babylonian Empire that created the Code of Hammurabi.

3. The three environmental challenges to the Sumerians was that there was unpredictable flooding combined with times of little or no rain, there were no natural barriers which made the Sumerian village defenseless, and natural resources were limited.


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