Greek Questions

  • Mycenaean:some of the people that settled on Greek mainland around 2000 BC
  • Trojan War: one of the last Mycenaean battle campaigns
  • Dorian: a less advanced people that moved into the war-torn countryside
  • Homer: a blind man who was the greatest storyteller
  • epic: narrative poems celebrating heroic deeds
  • myth: a traditional story

3. Living around the sea gave the Greeks a transportation route that linked most parts of Greece. This helped the Greeks become good at trading and became skilled sailors.
4. The Mycenaeans learned about seaborne trade, adapted the Minoan writing system, and also were influenced politically and religiously by the Minoans.
5. The epics were important to the Greeks of that time because they did not have things written down so the only way they learned was through spoken word in the form of epics.


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