Crucible of Civilization

This video is talking about how Greece came to be and talks about Greece's golden age. This video features many professors who talk about Greece and its history. This video especially focuses on Cleisthenes, and talked a lot about his childhood and how he was raised with a wealthy family. It also talked a lot about Homer and the Illiad and the Oddessy. It explains how stories were told by word of mouth and how they passed down from generation to generation. There was a tyrant that was also focused on in this video for all the things that he did like giving loans, starting the olive oil business. He was known for bringing a tall girl to Athens and then taking over. This was only the first part of the video, but it went further in depth than what we have just learned in this class so far. I found this video to be pretty interesting and helped me understand some of the history a little more.


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