Pop quiz on Greece

Today in class we reviewed and then took a pop quiz on Greece. To wrap up the week here are some key notes that I have taken:
  • the Greek gods interact with humans which is unique
  • Zeus-ruler of heaven; god of sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order, and justice, he had a temper and hurled thunderstorms
  • Athena- goddess of wisdom, skill, warfare, intelligence, battle strategy, and handicrafts 
  • Greeks were warlike people
  • Spartans known for tough, ruthless infantry, the boys were started training at the age of 7
  • nothing could compare to Athens navy, their most effective weapon was the trireme
  • trireme: a technological marvel, fastest ship in the world at the time, rowed by up to 170 men on three levels, could be used as a battering ram, agile and fast
  • phalanx: close-rank, dense grouping of warriors, armed with long spears and interlocking shields, soldiers would advance slowly toward the enemy until they broke through their ranks
  • Philosopherlapalooza- Socrates: looked to science and logic for explanations of how the world worked, Socratic Method fostered critical thinking
  • Plato a student of Socrates carried on after Socrates was put to death by writing Apology 
  • Aristotle was also a student of Socrates who helped foster the idea of Athens as an intellectual destination
  • Socrates looked at science and logic, he did not teach about the traditional Greek gods
  • Socrates started the Socratic Method which has been used to this day
  • a famous quote of Socrates is "the unexamined life is not worth living"
  • Socrates was charged with impiety and corruption of youth, at his trial he did not deny what he did and he was put to death
  • Plato was a student and a follower of Socrates
  • Plato wrote about the teachings of Socrates in his work the Apology 
  • the Republic was how Socrates discussed justic
  • Aristotle was a student of Plato at the Academy, who said that Athens was an intellectual destination
  • Aristotle's school was called the Lyceum and it focused on cooperative research 


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