Socrates, Plato, & Aristotle

Today in class we talked about the three philosophers Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. We started with Socrates, here are some notes about him:

  • he looked at science and logic, he did not teach about the traditional Greek gods
  • he started the Socratic Method which has been used to this day
  • a famous quote of Socrates is "the unexamined life is not worth living"
  • he was charged with impiety and corruption of youth, at his trial he did not deny what he did and he was put to death
Next, we talked about Plato. Here are some of the notes about him:
  • Plato was a student and a follower of Socrates
  • he wrote about the teachings of Socrates in his work the Apology 
  • the Republic was how Socrates discussed justice
Lastly we talked about Aristotle. Here are some notes about him:
  • he was a student of Plato at the Academy
  • he said that Athens was an intellectual destination
  • his school was called the Lyceum and it focused on cooperative research 
  • his thoughts were the ideas that led to the internet


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