Why the philosophers started questioning traditional beliefs

Socrates and Sophists like Protagorus would have started questioning traditional beliefs at this particular point in history for a few reasons. Socrates, first started by standing his ground about the the crime of the Athenians sailing back to Athens without picking up any of the soldiers that had fallen overboard. Socrates' view was that this crime was not bad enough for the people to be killed and that the assembly needed to calm down and he made it clear that he was going to stand his ground and vote against it because it was the wrong thing to do. Instead of listening to society these men listened to what their own reasoning said to do and not what the society was telling to to think or believe. I think that Socrates and the other philosophers knew that many of the things that the Greek society taught did not make sense and they believed that the teachings were wrong. I think that there were other people in the society that also felt that way but that many people were too afraid to speak out about it, but Socrates was not afraid and he always stood up for what he believed.


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