Essay question

My essay question would be: Why do you think the philosophers took the risk to question traditional Greek teachings. In the first paragraph I would talk about the traditional Greek teaching and explain what exactly the philosophers disagreed with. In the next paragraph, I would talk about all of the Greek philosophers, and talk about what they did and give some information about the most influential ones. In my third paragraph, I would give the example of what happened with the crime of the Athenians sailing back to Athens without picking up any of the soldiers that had fallen overboard. In the fourth paragraph I would start to explain why these philosophers would question the traditional beliefs and risk their lives and continue going into further depth to explain that. The last paragraph, I would wrap up the whole essay by showing why the philosophers were right in standing up for their beliefs and show the impact they made.


  1. This sounds really interesting! I approve, and can't wait to read it. Go Nora!


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