patricians vs. plebeians

In Rome there were two main groups the patricians and the plebeians. The patricians were wealthy landowners who held most of the power, while the plebeians were the common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population. This means that the patricians were the ones who owned most of the land and therefore controlled most of the land. The patricians were viewed as superior, not much different than how wealthy people are still viewed in our society to this day. The plebeians, however, were not superior. They would have to work harder for many things and they did not have control of much land. They were viewed as lesser than, even though most of them were average people and not necessarily poor. The plebeians also did not have much say in anything especially political matters. Their view on matters were not as important as what the patricians thought and their votes would not have been considered first. This mindset is hard, and it is one that still is had by many people in today's world. In my opinion, money is not what is most important in life and I think that this is wrong.


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