power point slides 9-22

Today you asked us to go over slides 9-22 in your power point and discuss the two main topics that were talked about in those slides. Slides 9-12 are all talking about how bad it was to live under the rule of a cynical and bad leader. These slides talk about Tarquin and how he seized power and it talks about all the crazy things he did. This kings behavior shaped the peoples ideas about their family. The people never wanted to be subject to the rule of kings again. In slides 13-22 the Roman government is described and compared to the US government. It talks all about how officials were elected and what they did. These slides also continue to discuss the differences between the plebeians and the patricians. The US government and the Roman government have some similarities. Their governments were modeled in very similar ways and both had the three branches of government. In each of those branches there were similarities and differences.


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