
Today in class we took our quiz on Mesopotamia and I think that I did pretty well on it. Then, after we took our quiz, you assigned us to read and take notes from the book about pyramids on the Nile.  The main idea for this chapter is science and technology and that the Egyptians used that to build magnificent monuments still standing today. Some terms that I learned from the reading were

  • delta: a broad, marshy, triangular area of land formed by deposits of silt at the mount of the river
  • Narmer: the king who united Upper & Lower Egypt  
  • pharaoh: Egyptian god-kings 
  • theocracy: rule is based on religious authority
  • pyramid: immense structure made by Egyptians
  • mummification: embalming and drying a corpse to prevent it from decaying 
  • hieroglyphics: a flexible writing system made in Egypt
  • papyrus: a writing surface made out of reeds

The reading today was very interesting and I am interested to learn more about pyramids in Egypt


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