Test on latitude and longitude

Today in class we took a test on latitude/longitude, site/situation, and time zones. I thought that I did ok. I am very mad at myself because I messes up meridians and parallels again! I studied them for so long because I always mess them up, and I still got them confused, so that is really annoying. I also am not sure about the question about what our UTC time is, I did not understand that one. If I had to take a guess at what my grade is going to be I would say that it is going to be between a 80-90, but I am not totally sure, I studied quite a bit, but I think that I could have reviewed the longitude/latitude, and parallels/meridians again. The test was a fair test in my opinion, and I thought that you did a good job making it. I enjoy this class most of the time, and I am interested to see what we are going to learn next.


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