Test Review

Today in class we reviewed our answers for our homework in preparation for our test on Friday. Our homework from last night was multiple questions about information covered on a website called CIA World Factbook. This website covers many facts about each country in the world. We also talked about the test and the topics that it would cover. Some key terms that will probably be on it are:

  • crude death rate
  • crude birth rate
  • total fertility rate
  • unemployment rate
  • net migration rate
  • population growth rate
  • infant mortality rate
  • maternal mortality rate
  • rate of natural increase
  • life expectancy
  • GDP per capita
  • population pyramid
There will also be a section of the quiz where we will be required to go the the CIA World Factbook website and answer questions about facts on there. I plan to study tonight, tomorrow, and Thursday night in preparation for the test and I hope to do well because I did very poorly on my last test.


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