
Showing posts from December, 2019

Exam Essay Day

Today in class we wrote a five paragraph essay for the writing portion of the exam. I feel pretty good about the essay that I wrote. I prepared a lot and wrote out a lengthy notecard with key points. I finished pretty quickly writing it because most of it was in my head and I had a lot of information on my notecard. I did finish fast so I read over it multiple times and felt pretty confident so I turned mine in first. I feel like I will score well on that part of the exam. It also makes me feel a lot better because now I do not have to worry about writing an essay the day of our midterm. Now, I can focus on the Scantron portion of the exam and also study for all my other midterms that I am stressed about. I am very excited for Christmas break though!

Finishing Essay

Today I finished writing out my essay. Here is what I have: Paragraph 1: This essay I will be  explaining the two population pyramids, country A and country B. Both of these pyramids are a representation of a country at a certain stage in the demographic transition. The demographic transition is a process where a society has a change in population. This change goes from high birth and death rates and low increase to low birth and death rates and a high increase. There are 4 stages to this transition, low growth, high growth, moderate growth, and low growth. It is also speculated that there is a 5th stage that we do not know much about yet. A population pyramid is a good resource for learning about countries because it can show you which stage of the demographic transition the country is in. Paragraph 2: The first pyramid, country A would be an example of a country in the second stage of the demographic transition. I know this because the pyramid shows rapid increase  ...

Exam Essay Prep

Paragraph 1: This essay I will be  explaining the two population pyramids, country A and country B. Both of these pyramids are a representation of a country at a certain stage in the demographic transition. The demographic transition is a process where a society has a change in population. This change goes from high birth and death rates and low increase to low birth and death rates and a high increase. There are 4 stages to this transition, low growth, high growth, moderate growth, and low growth. It is also speculated that there is a 5th stage that we do not know much about yet. A population pyramid is a good resource for learning about countries because it can show you which stage of the demographic transition the country is in. Paragraph 2: The first pyramid country A would be an example of a country in the second stage of the demographic transition. I know this because the pyramid shows rapid increase  because the birth birth rate is high and the death rate is low...

Quiz on Demographic Transition

Today in class we took a quiz on the demographic transition. I did study some this weekend by watching the videos that you showed us in class again and reviewing over any notes that I took. I feel like I could have studied more but I also thought that I was prepared. I did not feel that I did very well on the quiz at all. I found myself getting confused and switched up a bunch of my answers. When I first went through it I guessed on a lot of the problems and did not feel sure about my answers. Tests have always been hard for me but for some reason in your class I fail a lot. I am not quite sure why that happens because I always study but whatever.

Continuation about Demographic Transition

Today in class we continued to discuss about the demographic transition. At the beginning you put a visual of it on the projector and asked us to all draw it so we had it in our notes to help us understand. You then played the video from yesterday by Khan Academy. In my opinion that one was the most helpful so it was good to hear it again and pick up some more information. You also informed us that we have a quiz on the demographic transition on Monday. I still do not totally understand it so I will have to review. I plan to review over my notes this weekend and then also rewatch the videos that explained it.

Videos on Demographic Transitions

Khan Academy: Demographic transition states that the population will eventually stop growing To find growth rate you count how many people have been added to the population and how many people have been removed from the population High birth rates usually have to do with the fact of limited birth control Kim Smith: From the agricultural revolution to the industrial revolution the population of the world only grew by 67,000 people a year Now our population grows that much every 67 hours In the olden days a women's status was defined by how many children they had & children were defined as assets Why Populations Grow: Some countries have negative population growth A way to measure population growth is the doubling time- the length of time it takes for population to double in size Natural increase and net migration are the two main factors that influence population change In my opinion the Khan Academy video was the most helpful because it described dem...

The demographic transistion

Today in class you went over things we needed to know about exams and then gave everyone a handout on the demographic transition. You told us to read through the handout and highlight things that we thought were important. The demographic transition according to the handout is "a process of change in society's population from high crude birth and death rates and low rate of natural increase to a condition of low crude birth and death rates, low rate of natural increase, and higher total population." The handout then talked about the four stages of the demographic transition that are low growth, high growth, moderate growth, and low growth. It then continued on and went into further detail about each of these four stages. I found this reading to be very interesting and I personally learned a lot of things that I did not know.