Who was Pericles?

Pericles was a statesmen. He was the leader of Athens from 461-429 BC, which included most of Athens "golden age." Pericles was known for the three goals that he put in place, which were to make Athens democracy stronger, to strengthen the empire, and to bring glory to Athens. One of the main ways that Pericles achieved the goal of making Athens democracy stronger was by establishing a direct democracy. A direct democracy is a government where the citizens rule directly and not through representatives. In a direct democracy the people chose everything, whether it is deciding on a leader or deciding on a law, the people are the ones who vote. This type of government was unique to Athens and most other city states did not use it. Pericles strengthened the empire by creating an extremely strong navy, which helped keep Athens more safe. Pericles' last goal was to glorify Athens, which he did by making it outwardly beautiful. The Delian League was created after the Battle of Plataea. This league was a group of Greek city-states that all came together to continue to fight the Persians during the war between the Persians and Athens. The Delian League was put in place as a method of defense against the Persians.


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